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WHS Wizards Step Boldly Into Future at Commencement 2024

Updated: 7 hours ago

WHS Class President, Madison Mobray

By Edie Johnson

Editor, Orange County Courier Journal

Village of Washingtonville, Tuesday June 25- As in previous years, Villagers walked along Main Street sidewalks, often for a half mile or more, carrying bouquets, pushing strollers and wheelchairs and some teens came to watch friends about to become graduates. Knowing the special event that Commencement is for this village, they knew that all parking lots near the school would be full. But this year as people arrived there was a visible spark of special enthusiasm.

The unusual excitement filled the air with shout outs to other friends and plenty of laughter. Maybe it was the contrast, that the sadness and fears from the COVID events was finally off their minds though this year's Juniors and Seniors at WHS they shared some special bonds from experiencing an epic event, and many months of remote learning and the confidence of surviving it all. NO ONE was going to steal the joy from them of this year's Commencement.

Besides the post-pandemic glow. indeed there was the Wizard element of the evening's speakers. Their speeches included stories of "awakening", and needing to remember the joy of living and not just achieving. Believe it or not who showed up as an adornment to the festivities - a young ram. Yup, a sheep that had been evading capture around the 'ville' all week, which some nicknamed Merlin (for their Wizard school thee) and others Waldo (Where's Waldo). He didn't bother the ceremony itself, but he certainly made an impressive appearance beforehand. What did he do? He made the rounds of the official track course, ostensibly keeping in shape for the next round of attempted captures.

Principal Brian Connolly at the podium, Town Supervisor Rob Jeroloman standing at the far right, Village Clerk Christine Shenkman to his right representing the Village and Mayor Tom Devinko, Superintendent Dr. Larry Washington at the far left, and School Administrators in the center.

Principal Brian Connolly began the ceremony, crediting the scholars with a long list of achievements including a trip to nationals of Odyssey of the Mind, bringing local kids to Special Olympics, and garnering possibly the highest amount of scholarship dollars in WHS history at a little over $3 Million dollars. But, he added, how did he know their time at WHS was really a success? He said it was from the times he walked with them through the halls, through the classes, lunchroom and watching them in sports and special events. He could see it. In a moment of irony, immeiately after saying he knew he was going on a big long and had one more thing to say before they might shut the mic off on him ....and 'poof', the microphone went off. apparently having been set on a timer) ...this is why in the picture above everyone is looking off to the right "What happened?"


Fields both in front and behind of the stands were filled

Class President, Madison Mobray (Pictured at the beginning at the podium as the first speaker) emphasized how thankful she was for the support given to her from family and school staff, and the importance of giving to others. We often don't even know the full effect of a smile, a touch or a word of encouragement, she said

Valedictorian (left) Gavin Chaing and Salutatorian Kiera Colvic (right)

Valedictorian - Gavin Chaing described how the tension between"Ambition vs. Living" and the pressure to "Achieve" had nearly stolen his chance to learn what he really wanted to do and taught him the importance of keeping balance between being a responsible community member and individual, but to learn how to accomplish that while being his authentic self and doing what he loves. Gavin shared words of wisdom from a select group of other students he admires.

Gavin, in his Junior-Senior year became involved in a project he loved, and gave important contributions toward after attending Conservation Advisory Committee Meetings in the Town and helping to create the future of Sewell Park as a community gathering place and pollinator garden He realized that this kind of important environebtal work is where his best future lies. He is eager to begin studying to be a Chemical Engineer so he can contribute to Renewable Energy.

Salutatorian Kiera Calovic (above) similarly said that she had focused so hard on being an Academic success and had worked too hard and too long gotten too far before recognizing that she didn't really "get" who she was, and had not spent much time having fun, being free and maturing into the "Person" she was meant to be. Now she says "Don't forget to be happy!" Kiera has already taken numerous college courses, has a long littany of high level awards including the National Honor Society and working with Aspire kids at the Special Olympics. Kiera is planning a career in Forensic Accounting and will continue her studies at SUNY Geneseo.

The keynote speaker of the evening, Joy Romulus-Henssler had a similar experience. Having excelled in sports at WHS, a Star Wizard, especially Track & Field, she nonetheless became dedicated and then passionate about becoming an MD. and pursued her studies at SUNY Binghamton, and then NYU and Western Reserve. Her family, hard working immigrants who had worked from incredibly hard to get to success, instilled in her that the family goals are "Doctor, Lawyer, or Nuthin". After years of studying to become a medical doctor, she realized that it was not in her heart. Facing a family issue of cancer that resulted in hair loss, she became interested and enthused about hair and other personal health. She was able to tweak he educational accomplishments and become a Chemist, dedicating her knowledge to hair care and other personal care products that help people with their self image. Principal Connolly said he remembered Joy as a student, said that he had never met anyone who had a more perfect name, for she always looks on the bright side of things and brings her joyous smile.

This graduation ceremony echoed its speakers' important aha's. Everything in the evening screamed "We know who we are" with determination, self-confidence and love for each other, their friends, their families and their WHS support team of teachers and staff.

The giving of Washingtonville High School official diplomas was an explosion of cheers, clapping and multiple shout outs to friends. Often it was easy to see where a student's family was sitting since many were holding up beautiful flower bouquets.

The Orange County Courier Journal wishes all the best for these bright and eager young people, and we are eager to hear of their future accomplishements and "Aha's", one of them being how fortunate they are to have realized that knowledge and achievement are not the everything that they can look forward. Previous generations spoke of the "Mid-Life Crisis", and they are fortunate that they have learned about becoming their best and happiest selves before they even peak past 20.

The balance is fittingly repeated in a recent hit song by Lily Meola on America's Got Talent. (It is also fittingly repeated in recent studies showing that the IQ of youngsters falls dramatically if they are not given free time to explore and find their own sense of creativity.)


When we were kids in the backyard

Playing astronauts and rockstars

No one told us to stop it

Called us unrealistic

Then suddenly, you're eighteen

Go to college for your plan "B"

What you want is too risky

Live for weekends and whiskey\

We all got these big ideas

One day, they're replaced with fears

How did we get here?

Darlin', don't quit your daydream

It's your life that you're making

It ain't big enough if it doesn't scare the hell out of you

If it makes you nervous

It's probably worth it

Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream?

Thirty-one, waiting tables

She has a voice of an angel

Out of money and power

She only sings in the shower

All these things we say we'll get to

Shot down by the reasons not to

Darlin', don't quit your daydream

It's your life that you're making

It ain't big enough if it doesn't scare the hell out of you

If it makes you nervous

It's probably worth it

Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream?

So scared of failure that we fail to try

Turnin' around before the finish line

Gotta fall for a minute before you can fly

So daydream

It's your life that you're making

It ain't big enough if it doesn't scare the hell out of you

If it makes you nervous

It's probably worth it

Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream?

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Casey Brown / Lily Meola / Margaret Chapman

Daydream lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC


Both sides of the quandry are true.....Live the life! But do try to stay reasonably safe.

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Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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