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Washingtonville Student Stars Shine at Region 5 Odyssey of the Mind


Washingtonville Middle School Students Take a First Place

The Washington Central School District Website has tons of photos and reviews of each of the school groups, but here are a few of the highlights.

Washingtonville Middle School took a f1rst Place ranking at last Saturday's Odyssey of the Mind NYS Region 5 competition!

Their team competed in the problem "Classics... The Walls of Troy," which challenged students to show "There is more than one way to get past any type of barrier." The OMers had to create their own "Trojan Horse" to get past a wall in a performance that had to also include:

a character from The Iliad

an original Greek Chorus

an unusual statue

The charismatic Greek chorus of Joey and Zoey was an absolute smash hit with audience members from all districts! Congratulations to everyone on the incredible performances, sets, and props, and the much-deserved top finish.


Washingtonville High School

The Washingtonville High School Odyssey of the Mind team put on a great performance during their "TIME!" on stage at Saturday's OOTM Region 5 competition! Their team also competed in Problem #3: Classics... The Walls of Troy, but took a suitaby different route.

The OMers had to create their own "Trojan Horse" to get past a wall in a performance that had to also include a character from The Iliad, an original Greek Chorus, and an unusual statue.


Little Britain Elementary School

We experienced innovative, inspiring performances from all of our Washingtonville students at this year's Odyssey," said Little Britain Principal Christopher Barrie. "Credit is due to our students and advisors for the time it took to solve a problem, design a solution, and modify when needed. We are very proud of everyone's accomplishments!"

This year, Little Britain competed in Problem #1 and Primary.

Coach Bosi and her team took on "Problem 1: Pirates & Treasure." The challenges were to sail a pirate ship to a far-off island to recover treasure for the Queen. Along with the voyage, the team must also create and battle a sea monster, have their own pirate captain, flag, and song.

"Ahoy! Our OMers found their treasure," said Coach Bosi. "The students built their ship in a LEGO style, also measuring and cutting parts of its frame from PVC pipes and gluing them together."

Meanwhile, Coach Veach and her Primary Team prepared their sketch for their problem, "Dinos on Parade." Students had to discover a new dinosaur, experience existing dinos, and share part of their paleontology adventure


Round Hill Elementary School

Round Hill Odyssey of the Mind team and their advisor Maritza Cesani. They put their creativity on display during the Region 5 OOTM tournament on Saturday, and placed 5th out of 17 entries in their problem!

The team put together their performance to meet the challenges posed in OOTM "Problem #5: The Most Dramatic Problem Ever!!!" The students had to create a humorous sketch with an overly dramatic character, a stage prop or set piece that grows, and a costume that represents two characters.



Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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