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Washingtonville's Village Hall was Filled- Residents Eager to Learn Trustee Appointments & More

Updated: May 18, 2023

With a full house of residents that came to watch the 2nd meeting of their new Village Administration, Mayor Tom DeVinko said he was heartened that there were so many residents applying for the 2 Trustee open positions and volunteers for 5 active village committees, and that after a week of interviews there were so many applicants they had to narrow down the choices. Even better, those who were not chosen for one committee usually said they would be glad to participate in any of the others. Those included the ZBA, the Comprehensive Planning Committee, the Architectural Review Committee, the Ethics Committee and the Beautification Committee. All said they wanted to participate in the positive future of the Village. For instance, he said that there was so much interest in the future vision for the Village that 25-30 residents volunteered. Only 9 members are official. but others still have ways to participate. The 3rd official Comprehensive Plann Committee Meeting will be held on June 15.

DeVinko said that while it is technically up to the Mayor to appoint someone to fill Trustee vacancies, he assured residents that like everything else they planned to be transparent and to make any decisions as a unified board.

Steve Presser and Vernon Coleman were selected to fill the 2 missing Trustee positions, and were sworn in by Christine Shenkman, now giving the board a full quorum.

Metro Sound Pro was thanked for a new top-of-the-line speaker that immediately helped acoustics in the room that people had complained about for years.

There is a lengthy list of new members on the other 4 official committees ..their names will be shared after name spellings are confirmed.

A Public Hearing was held, and there was a Six-month Extension Added to the Village's Building Moratorium.

Other significant decisions that were discussed include the following: A Public Hearing that will be held on June 5, about a change in the Village's "No Smoking" law. The law pertains to ANY and ALL village properties, and now includes any kind of smoking (including cigarettes, any kind of cannabis, vaping, or other material that could have an adverse effect on the health of both the user and others present.

Bull Road storm repairs are essentially complete at a cost of approximately $430K. The State is authorizing $425 Million for water infrastructure projects, and the Village will be looking into participating. The Police Department is looking to purchase a UTV for $50,000. Chips money for road repairs is expected to come in at $500,000. Shivon Chamorro has begun work making the Village more attractive with huge Summer flower pots as part of the beginning Beautification Committee (which is seeking more volunteer members).

Comprehensive Plans and Planning Board Functions - With Bonnie Franson now selected as Village Planner (Nelson, Pope, Vorhis), a schedule of meetings has been determined. All meetings are OPEN for attendance by residents, but only board membes are to partiipate during the meetings. Others in attendance, however, are free to submit recommendations and/or comments and also can also talk to board members about any concens when the meeting has ended. Planner Bonnie Franson will attend every meeting. The cost for the work she will do is $89,000. From now on EVERY project submited will be reviewed for consistency with the Village's "Vision" before it goes before the Planning Board.

Yard Sale - A Village-wide Yard Sale is being held this coming weekend Saturday and Sunday, (May 20-21). Mayor DeVinko said that during the event there are NO vendor certificates necessary, and residents can put up lawn signs as well if they want to. They are ALSO encouraging businesses in the Village to do street sales to emphasize the day's events. Here is the current list, and l expect to have a digital map copy Joely Zara is putting together that I can put up tomorrow afternoon. She is still taking addresses till this evening.

1. 9 Goshen Ave 2. 1 Nicoll St 3. 24 Hallock Dr 4. 26 Hallock Dr 5. 11 Bernadette Way 6. 127 E. Main St 7. Brookshire Apts 8. 2 Decker Dr 9. 22 Decker Dr 10. 4 Lincoln Dr 11. 6 Hampshire Dr 12. 20 Hampshire Dr 13. 29 Capital Dr 14. 39 Capital Dr 15. 61 Ballard Pond Dr 16. 44 Alexander Dr 17. 37 Woodfield Dr 18. 71 W. Main St 4 Emerson Dr 14 Belvoir Dr 69 Moffat Rd 1532 Rt 208 15 Menayas Ct 17 Round Hill Road 9 Perry Creek Road 79 Woodcock Mountain Rd

Memorial Day - the VFW will be the Grand Marshalls of the day's activities. The Parade will begin at 10am.

The Village will celebrate Independence Day on July 7

Contact Edie Johson at 845-381-0804 to advertise.

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