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Washingtonville Clarifies Village "No Hunting" Law


Village of Washingtonville - A debate brought some controversy on social media last week as to whether the shot by an individual of a deer via a bow hunter (that injured but did not kill the deer) had been "legal"... (with those questioning the law agreeing the "bad shot" had been foolish, sad and painful, with the deer limping off.) Subsequently there were calls for an answer to the Village Hall. Mayor DeVinko put the issue on the Village Agenda and to rest, saying "There is NO hunting permitted within the confines of the Village."

The online debate centered on whether a bow was considered a firearm. Some municipalities allow hunting on a property if it is at least 500 ft. from any dwelling. Some classify a bow or crossbow as a firearm and some do not. But whether classified as a firearm or not. bow hunting, in fact any hunting, is prohibited in the Village of Washingtonville.

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