Washingtonville High School
Washingtonville Central School District’s 2024-2025 school year $129,056,416 budget was approved by voters on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, by an unofficial vote of 1,492 to 422. Voters also decided on the Capital Project, approving Bond Proposition 2 by an unofficial vote of 1,429 to 484 and Bond Proposition 3 by an unofficial vote of 1,408 to 986. The passing of Bond Proposition 3 was contingent on the passing of Bond Proposition 2.
Two members were also elected to the district’s Board of Education, Brian T. Strommer and Sharon Williams.
“We are thankful to the Washingtonville community for their support and voting to approve next year's budget and our Capital Project,” said Superintendent Larry Washington. “Both the budget and Capital Project are key to making sure we continue to foster success with our students and schools.”
The budget reflects a 3.27% tax levy increase, the total amount of local taxes that support the budget, and is within the allowable limits set by the New York State tax levy calculation, or “tax cap” as it is more commonly known. The district has been operating within its calculated state tax cap every year since its implementation in 2012.
The district Capital Project contained two Bond Propositions totalling $43,471,035. Bond Proposition 2 will maintain, update, and enhance facilities at all five school buildings, including infrastructure, health and safety needs, kitchen equipment, new turf fields, track, and other field improvements. Bond Proposition 3 will include district-wide pool and playground improvements.
Voters also considered a $950,000 transportation proposition (Bond Proposition 1), which includes the purchase of five buses and related equipment. The measure passed by an unofficial vote of 783-496.
Two of the five candidates running for the Board of Education were elected – Brian T. Strommer and Sharon Williams. Mr. Strommer received 1349 votes and Mrs. Williams received 1139 votes. Both will serve a three-year term July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027.
As reported by Washingtonville Central School District
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