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Ten Fire Companies & A Helicopter Fight Fire For 24-Hours At Round Hill/Foothills of Schunnemunk

Helicopter in center of photo dumping water on the persistent fire

(Photo by Sue Blakeney)

BLOOMING GROVE - With the temperatures spiking to 80 and 90 degrees and leftover leaves and branches everywhere, it takes only a spark from a piece of glass to spread into a wildfire. Once again sparks and embers spread from one hotspot to another beneath areas of the Schunnemunk Ridge and Valley at Round Hill, from late Wednesday until sundown on Thursday. Ten fire companies came to assist, and at one point Thursday they had a helicopter assist by dumping buckets from the air.

It seemed like the fire was done several times, but then a smolder would start it up again. By dark on Thursday night they felt reasonably assured the area was safe, but NY State Park Rangers stayed onsite overnight in case anything lit up again.

Mountain Lodge Fire Company

Fire Companies participating in the effort

Mt. Lodge Ladies Auxilliary of the Fire Department, keeping the workers fed and coffee'd.

Residents should be aware there is a Burn Ban in effect until May14. There is also an Air quality Advisory in effect from the the DEC for tomorrow, April 14, for the entire Lower Hudson Valley.

(Photos by Lisa McDaniel)

Credit: Video of helicopter drop by Sue Blakeney

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