“The Public Service Commission failed New Yorkers yet again as they approved another outrageous rate hike, this time for Orange & Rockland Utilities. Per usual, they are doing a self-congratulatory “victory” lap for claiming to have cut the increases. I’m calling for them to cut the BS and admit they are a pathetic excuse for a regulatory body.
Under the new Rate Hike a typical residential customer can expect a 4.6% 3.3% and 3.5% over the next 3 years. Cumulatively that is 10.4%. Residential natural gas users will see an even bigger hike of 10.9% 3.5% 3.8%... a cumulative 18.2% hike.
Time to prepare? Nope. The hikes are scheduled to begin on April 1, and it's not an April Fools Joke. Skoufis said, “The PSC is supposed to serve the public yet, clearly, they serve at the behest of utility shareholders. With their O&R rate hike, including a 10.9% increase in gas rates this year, they decided to line the pockets of out-of-town fat cats on the backs of my constituents who can barely afford their utility bills as-is.
“I’m disgusted with O&R, the PSC, and other utilities like Central Hudson. Their behavior is tantamount to highway robbery and requires a comprehensive, swift response by the state. I’m calling for a complete and immediate overhaul of the PSC. All of the top so-called regulators must be removed and the process by which utilities receive rate hikes needs wholesale reform.
“Additionally, I’m sick and tired of utility shareholders getting rich off of ratepayers. I’m calling on the Legislature to advance bills to cap utility profits, dramatically reduce utility executives’ salaries, and be audited by an independent third-party, among other reforms.
“Many of my colleagues, including Senator Shelley Mayer, are as fed up as I am with the status quo. We will be pursuing and announcing key proposals in the coming days.”