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Safe Harbors of the Hudson Awarded 2022 Technical Assistance Grant


This grant from the Preservation League of NYS

will fund a mechanical, electrical, and plumbing assessment

for the ongoing restoration of Safe Harbors Historic Ritz Theater

(After reading the story, SEE below for a few samples of the Ritz" Extraordinary history)

NEWBURGH, NY, 1/12/23 — The Preservation League of New York State and their program partners at the New York State Council on the Arts are thrilled to announce that Safe Harbors of the Hudson has received a 2022 Technical Assistance Grant. This grant will contribute to the ongoing restoration of Safe Harbors historic Ritz Theater. During this grant cycle, 19 projects representing 14 counties across the state have been selected by an independent panel of preservation professionals. A total of $68,130 was awarded.

“Safe Harbors is thrilled to receive TAG funding for the ongoing preservation of its Ritz Theater, one of Newburgh’s greatest treasures! We are proud to partner with the Preservation League of New York and the New York State Council on the Arts on this exciting project,” said Lisa Silverstone, Safe Harbors Executive Director.

TAG funding will allow Safe Harbors to engage Derive Engineers to complete an options analysis and identify appropriate mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection (MED/FP) for the ongoing redevelopment of the historic Ritz Theater stage house in downtown Newburgh, NY.

The 2022 TAG grantees are:

Cayuga County: Seward House Museum; Canal Society of New York State; Cayuga Museum of History and Art | Chenango County: Chenango County Historical Society | Essex County: Fort Ticonderoga Association, Inc. | Greene County: Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society | Montgomery County: Glen Conservancy, Ltd. | New York County: Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation | Orange County: Safe Harbors of the Hudson; Village of Montgomery | Oswego County: Cleveland Historical Society | Queens County: King Manor Association of Long Island | Rensselaer County: Arts Center of the Capital Region | Suffolk County: Sylvester Manor Educational Farm; Oysterponds Historical Society | Ulster County: Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History; Ulster County Historical Society | Wayne County: Village of Clyde | Wyoming County: Silver Lake Institute

The Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) program is a partnership between the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and the Preservation League of New York State, made possible by NYSCA with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area has provided additional support for the projects within the National Heritage Area boundary. The TAG program supports arts centers, historic sites, music halls, theaters, libraries, and other cultural nonprofit or municipal entities that steward historic buildings throughout New York State.

With the announcement of the 2022 awards, support provided by TAG since its launch in 2012 totals $602,104. These grants have directly advanced the efforts of 191 preservation projects.

“NYSCA applauds the works of the Preservation League of New York State – whose stewardship of our arts centers and historical sites preserves our collective histories and cultural assets for New Yorkers and our visitors for decades to come,” said Mara Manus, Executive Director of the New York State Council on the Arts.

About Safe Harbors of the Hudson

Safe Harbors of the Hudson is a mixed-use redevelopment in the City of Newburgh with the mission of transforming lives and building community through housing and the arts. The Safe Harbors campus includes the Cornerstone Residence, affordable, supportive housing for 128 of our neighbors; Ann Street Gallery, a contemporary arts space; the Lobby at the Ritz, an intimate performance space; Safe Harbors Green, a half-acre urban park and venue for visual and performing arts; and the historic Ritz Theater, which Safe Harbors is dedicated to preserving and redeveloping as a state of the art performance space for presentation, education, innovation, and engagement.

About the Preservation League of New York State

Since its founding in 1974, the Preservation League has built a reputation for action and effectiveness. Our goal has been to preserve our historic buildings, districts, and landscapes and to build a better New York, one community at a time. The Preservation League of New York State invests in people and projects that champion the essential role of preservation in community revitalization, sustainable economic growth, and the protection of our historic buildings and landscapes. We lead advocacy, economic development, and education programs across the state.

About the New York State Council on the Arts

NYSCA preserves and advances the arts and culture that make New York State an exceptional place to live, work and visit. The Council upholds the right of all New Yorkers to experience the vital contributions the arts make to our communities, education, economic development, and quality of life. To support the ongoing recovery of the arts across New York State, NYSCA is awarding record funding in Fiscal Year 2023, providing support across the full breadth of the arts.


A bit of Ritz History from Safe Harbors

It was November 3, 1940 and a then unknown Frank Sinatra made an appearance with the Tommy Dorsey Band. And that began a very long ride through fame.

Lucille Ball had her start at the Ritz Theater as well.

Lucille Ball made her stage debut at the Ritz Theater alongside her husband, Desi Arnaz.

Nervous as a kitten, Miss Ball was like a school girl with her first date as she prepared for her stage debut. She wasn’t quite sure she was going to be a success, but it turned out that she and her husband scored a tremendous hit with Newburgh’s theater-goers. Their act was a bit like most vaudeville acts, but it was good. They did a piece of comedy, a little singing, a little dancing. The audience loved it.—The Newburgh News (December 18, 1941)



Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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