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Orange County - Flooding is Likely in the Future, says Orange & Rockland Utilities

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

Devastating inland and coastal flooding events like the July 2023 thunderstorms that washed out major roads, toppled dozens of trees, ripped up Orange and Rockland Utilities poles and wires and knocked out power to thousands of O&R customers, are expected to only get worse in the future due to climate change, meaning O&R must accelerate its investments to keep electric service reliable and resilient for customers, the company says in a study published Friday.

The flooding risk in O&R’s service area is compounded by the study’s prediction that climate change is likely to drive stronger and more frequent storms in the region, bringing heavier rainfall and coastal storm surge. Deluge rains could be more frequent and intense. Nor’easters could be less frequent, but more intense when they do occur.

O&R said the findings of the study have “significant implications” for the company’s electric system.

Source: Mid-Hudson News

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