By Edie Johnson

The early struggle at Dream Haven Rescue

Blooming Grove - Residents in our area have been incredibly generous this Holiday Season. But it's not quite over. Of course they have focused recently on helping those in need locally. But a reminder is in order that there are still many devastated areas of North Carolina, with people left homeless and most or all of their belongings gone due to the ravages of Hurricane Helene. There are fields full of trailers and tents, but there have not been enough to serve all who lost their homes. Many were notified by FEMA that their funding for this disaster had reached an end, and while a new US Spending Bill plans to provide additional funding, that will not happen overnight. And temperatures may drop toward zero in the next few weeks, not a time safe to be to be living in a tent.

The primary needs are for additional temporary trailers to live in and supplies for the many farms in and around Ashville and the entire Western area of the State; including hay and grain, veterinary care, supplies to repair and replace miles of broken fencing, rebuilding of both barns and homes and much needed clothing.
Tractor Supply has provided gift cards for many of the barn and fencing needs, and Ryder has offered several trucks that continue making deliveries from right here in Orange County.
Kim Martin (Kim's Horse Transportation LLC 845-545-5568 ) worked with Squirrelwood Equine Rescue and Dream Haven Farm (828-771-8020) and made made 6 trips to help supply devastated farms. Kim, a Dressage riding equestrian, has (and still does) transport hundreds of horses safely across the USA, so if you need a ride to a show or to Florida, or anywhere, give her a call. She helped safely bring home and temporarily board both of my equine purchases of the last 8 years.

Kim Martin (Kim's Horse Transportation)
Tagging Supplies for Delivery to Dream Haven in NC
At Squirrelwood Sanctuary 2 months ago

The biggest need for NC farms was Hay and Hay and more Hay. Next
came need for supplies to repair barns and fencing.

Robert Clarke of Otisville, giving a hand with the heavy lifting during November with one of the rented Ryder truckloads of totes and feed headed to NC, and probably saving many horses and other livestock.
Squirrelwood Farm in Montgomery (1994 NY 17K, 845-361-2316) Please call to donate if you can.
Squirrelwood Equine Sanctuary has shipped many truckloads of hay and medical supplies. Tractor Supplies has also contributed significant gift cards for all kinds of farm supplies.
Dream Haven Farm, which is where Kim and Squirellwood transported the supplies, is one of the NC regions most hit and has developed as a major disaster relief resource. They not only supplied space for horses who lost their home farms, but also massive food collection and distribution efforts and community events to help lift the people's spirits. They provided free riding lessons to fill some sad and empty hours in a community supportive setting, thus keeping their minds off their tremendous struggle for awhile, and instead spending time helping them stay focused, strong, and thinking forward. Children are now remembering they can still have joy in their lives along with some sad memories. Their community resilience to date has been remarkable. People gave trailers and homes to each other, along with clothing, food and hope.

Hats off to the Cajun Navy
Another near miraculous effort was made by a group that calls themselves "The Cajun Navy". Their impressive Mule Train was often the only way to get to mountainous areas where both trails and roads were completely washed out. They made dozens of trips risking their lives through what just about anyone would call Un-Navigable Terrain, both for rescue and carrying huge and heavy supply loads.
"Paying it Forward"
People of the USA Help Each Other, As They Did With our Perry's Creek Fire -
The last few years Orange County has suffered severe drought and fires. Whether "Climate Change" or not it was devastating but could have been so much worse except for the massive aid we received, not just from surrounding community fire departments, but state Ranger Division groups with special expertise. And the weeklong ordeal even brought help from Utah, Montana and Wyoming which have more than a century of experience dealing with catastrophic fire events. While the Perry's Creek Fire devastated over 5,000 acres of treasured forest in the Greenwood Lake/Sterling Forest area, due to
the outpouring of assistance not a single home was lost. Sadly, early in the firefight a young firefighter lost his life when a tree fell on him. Who doesn't remember fears of the early days of those fires that put ALL of Orange County at risk and many searching for a breath of fresh air not laden with smoke and soot. So let's "Pay it Forward" for North Carolina.
Through the Blue Ridge Mountains and at the edge of Appalachia many of us have seen some of the most beautiful scenery of our lives. The people of North Carolina are resourceful, resilient and strong. But this disaster will take YEARS to recover from. That is years before life will resume any sort of normalcy.
FEMA will come forward with additional funding in the coming year. But there were extreme fire disasters out West that they need to support as well. And unfortunately, there most likely will be some disasters in 2025. Let's keep lending a hand and celebrate continuing strength with our brothers and sisters of North Carolina.
Alexa Moran of Dream Haven Rescue said, "We are so thankful to have been able to help and continue to provide support to the community. The impacts that Squirrelwood and Kim made possible brought relief to so many in need!"