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Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Victory Hill Therapeutic Horsemanship

Clear Path for Veterans

The Motorcyclepedia Museum

Orange County American Legion Riders

Orange County American Legion

Hudson Valley Honor Flight

Orange County Chamber of Commerce

Moroney’s Harley-Davidson

Energy 103 FM

Coalition to Run a “Bets 4 Vets” Poker Run and Reception to Help Hudson Valley Veterans and Communities in Need of Therapeutic Services

NEWBURGH, NY, August 15th. A coalition of Victory Hill Therapeutic Horsemanship, Clear Path for Veterans, The Motorcyclepedia Museum, the American Legion Riders of Orange County, NY, and the Orange County American Legion, with the support of the Hudson Valley Honor Flight, the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, and Moroney’ s Harley-Davidson, will run a “Bets 4 Vets” motorcycle poker run around Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties and a simultaneous public reception at Motorcyclepedia on Sunday, September 17th, from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

The fundraiser reception foremost benefits the start-up of the new joint Victory Hill and Clear Path therapeutic services facility in Orange County, NY. The new facility is combining the impressive equities of these two well-established community and veteran wellness organizations to the great social benefit of the Hudson Valley. Beyond assisting veterans and others who have served in uniform and experienced trauma, the facility will help children and adults with a broad range of special needs, providing the Hudson Valley’s highest quality equine and canine assisted services in a supportive and inclusive environment.

At the same time, proceeds from the Orange County American Legion Riders poker run will fund dozens of high school youths and young veterans to escort Vietnam-era and other veterans on Hudson Valley Honor Flight missions to see the monuments in our nation’s capital in their honor and receive a “welcome home” for which many have waited over a half-century. This provides our younger citizens a unique, first-hand opportunity to meet these heroes and gain a greater understanding of the meaning and value of patriotism and service, helping to pass the baton of leadership from one generation of Americans to the next.

In addition to its fundraising aspect, the event also looks to raise public awareness and understanding on area veteran and community social wellness issues, what organizations like Victory Hill and Clear Path are doing for both veterans and their communities, and how the public can help. This includes adult and youth volunteer opportunities, direct public donations, and information on veterans’ assistance. To help with this, Sunrise Media’s Energy 103 FM will provide a live-feed broadcast on-site from 11:00 to 1:00pm.

The coalition is also offering sponsorship opportunities to Hudson Valley area businesses, foundations, organizations, etc. These are at five levels: Platinum ($5,000); Gold ($2,500); Silver ($1,000); Bronze ($500), and Iron ($250). For more details on the poker run and reception event and on sponsorship and donation options, see the event and sponsorship flyers posted on the organizational websites.

For additional information, please reach out to:

For the Poker Run: Christopher Holshek, or 1.845.800.6880. For the Reception: Peter Maraday,, 1.315.663.8770


Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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