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ALBANY – Almost every state agency violates the clear climate and equity mandates of the law, according to a new report by the New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI).

The report revealed that large state agencies with combined funding appropriations of over $279 billion have made over 26,000 decisions without adequately analyzing whether and how those decisions will impact greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and local disadvantaged communities across the state.

Agencies have also spent nearly $2 billion on clean energy spending without ensuring that at least 35 percent to 40 percent of benefits reach disadvantaged communities, another requirement of the Climate Act.

“It’s been five years since we passed landmark climate legislation in New York—and it’s unacceptable that, as our communities face ever-worsening heatwaves, storms, and health-impacting pollution, our state’s leading agencies have failed to uphold the Climate Law,” said Stephan Edel, NY Renews executive director. “This points to a massive failure in leadership on the part of the governor’s administration and state agency heads, as well as a lack of coordination between agencies and the executive office. New York State should be leading on climate justice implementation nationally; instead, leadership is botching the job at the expense of our communities’ health, safety, and lives.”

The report claims that almost every state agency violates the clear climate and equity mandates of the law, including four of the state’s best-funded agencies—the Departments of Health, Transportation, Education, and Development (Empire State Development).

Source: Mid-Hudson News

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