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New Trash Provider Begins Jan 1 - In All of Blooming Grove


In case anyone missed the notice that was sent out to all residents by the Town this week, all of Blooming Grove will start with a new Trash Provider, Marangi Disposal, for the New Year. To make the process of change easy, Marangi has purchased the existing Interstate Waste Management totes, and will simply cover the IWS name with a new sticker.

The Town benefited greatly the past few years with a long contract it held with Interstate Waste Management that locked in an excellent price and excellent service, that often went above and beyond what was required. Their contract is ending this coming week. The Town went out for bids several months ago, and because of supply chain issues and oil and gas costs, all trash providers were extremely high in the contract offers they gave. The board declined all of the offers and kept searching, even looking into some novel solutions other towns, who were in the same boat, adopted (such as providing their own service). As with all towns, inflation and particularly gas and oil have made an impact on all post-COVID governing agency operating costs as well as to the companies they deal with. As a result, a second round of RFPs (Requests For Proposals) went out to an even broader group. As a result, Marangi Disposal is the chosen provider and will begin doing pickups on January 1. It appears that their trucks may not have the same mechanical pickup device that IWS did, so it would be considerate to consider the weight put in each container, and make sure trash cans are placed in the most convenient possible spot as they get used to the thousands of sites.

Pick-up days for each road are listed on the town's website at:

Information and links on acceptable recycling items is also listed there.

The conditions and dates for bulk pickup remain the same, as follows:

Bulk Pickup: A reminder to all residents of the Town Wide Garbage District and Mt. Lodge Garbage District. The schedule for Bulk Pickup is April through December only. Bulk Pickup is ONE acceptable item, ONCE a week on your scheduled pick up day. Any items placed out after December and before April will NOT be removed by the garbage company, it will be the homeowner's responsibility to dispose.

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Orange County Courier Journal

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19 Goshen Ave,
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