Middletown - An exhibit entirely devoted to photography has been installed in Orange Hall Gallery and will be on view July 27 through September 7, 2023, The Art of Photography
is an eclectic show of realistic to abstract works in various styles, subjects, techniques, methods, sizes, in color and in black & white, printed on many surfaces and substances, common and unconventional. 93 Works by twenty-three photographers demonstrate the art in photography.
While photography is a means of recording events, the art in photography focuses on creativity, details, and thought process rather than mere snapshots.
Gallery hours: Monday through Thursday 8am to 8pm and Fridays 8am to 5pm.
The college is closed July 28 and September 4 and weekends.
Come to the reception and enjoy viewing the photographic works and meet the
photographers while listening to contemporary and classical favorites played by pianist. Bev Poyerd on Friday, August 4 from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

Orange Hall is located at the corner of Wawayanda and Grandview Avenues at GPS 24 Grandview Ave, Middletown.
The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public. For additional information and questions, email Cultural Affairs at cultural@sunyorange.edu and consult the website www.sunyorange.edu/culturalaffairs.
The Photographic Artists of the Show:
Photographers whose works are displayed in The Art of Photography
D.C. Anderson
Randy Chisholm
Thomas Flynn
Moses Fridlich
Madelyn Garstak
Nina Gemma
Andrew Heiz
Denise Shelby Isseks
Walter Jahn
Al Konikowski
Allen Levine
Renelle Lorray
Angelo Marcialis
Pam Mather-Cathy
David Nicholls
Star Nigro
Daniel J. Ogden
Jennie Ossentjuk
Michael Piotrowski
Mary Cathryn Roth
Ellie Stover
Garret Talbot
Renee Zernitsky