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It's Official! Blooming Grove is Now Part of the T.A.R.A. Low Cost SpayNeuter for Stray Cats Program

Supervisor Jeroloman signs the T.A.R.A Low Cost Spay Neuter Agreement' that will help keep the Town's feral cat population in check

In order to try to curtail the stray cat population The Town of Blooming Grove has partnered with T.A.R.A. (The Animal Rights Alliance) to provide low cost spay/neuter services for TNR. The Humane Society of Blooming Grove will administer the program on behalf of the town.

There will be a fee of $25.00 for the voucher paid by cash or check. Proof of residency is required as these vouchers are for Town Residents only (Including residents of Washingtonville and South Blooming Grove). There will be a limit of 2 per household. The person requesting the voucher will be responsible for making the appointment at T.A.R.A. as well as transporting and pickup of the cat from one of their mobile locations. If you would like more information on this program please submit your request by email to

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