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County Executive Steve Neuhaus Endorsed by Republican Committee for Fourth Term


Updated: 15 hours ago

Orange County Executive, Steve Neuhaus
Orange County Executive, Steve Neuhaus

Since Steve Neuhaus began his first term as County Executive in 2013 (the youngest in the county's history), after being Chester's Town Supervisor for 6 years, he has worn many official hats in that capacity. Equally devoted to developing major commercial sites in the county and with a longstanding relationship with the Open Space Institute and the Orange County Land Trust, he has proudly protected hundreds of acres of open space and Parkland, including Sugar Loaf Mt. on his own turf. A passionate runner and trail hiker himself, he has during this term as County Executive, expanded the Heritage Trail and upgraded its safety, including renovating many bridges..some of which are historic. This year his extend-the-trail pursuit is encompassing a major new venture of going from its juncture with the Heritage Trail at the former Camp LaGuardia (soon to be a new County Park) and adding the new Schunnemunk Rail Trail that continues all the way through Blooming Grove, Washingtonville, New Windsor, Salisbury Mills and Cornwall, at the Moodna Trestle (where it meets with the existing Schunnemunk Rail Trail up the Mountain and along Schunnemunk Ridge.) When Woodbury completes a section in a parcel of open space it obtained last year, our very own local trail will become a part of the established Long Path, Highlands Trail, and will form a historic connection with the Allegheny Trail. This is in addition to completing the preservation of Sugar Loaf Mt., and major park/recreation development projects in the Port Jervis/DeerPark area.

With pressure from Albany for an increase in affordable housing in what is a rural area, communities have relied on their officials to negotiate for better plans when higher density is the 'name of the game' in Albany and 'protect our open space' is the louder local cry. But many local residents also want affordable housing for their grown offspring so this taxes all our officials, including CE Neuhaus, both on their planning and negotiating skills to their limit. Recent new open space plans, tourism growth, and litigation when necessary, such as many years of work to develop the new plan for the former Camp LaGuardia site as a County Park (likely with the help of a significant commercial entity), is shaping up to be a big win in this regard!

CE Neuhaus in the thick of it at this past Fall's horrific Greenwood Lake Fire
CE Neuhaus in the thick of it at this past Fall's horrific Greenwood Lake Fire

One of many county job fairs with personal and published resources

for residents currently seeking work

Neuhaus' accomplishments with open space are at least equaled if not exceeded by his support and enticement of commercial projects and special events for just about every contingent in the area. From Stewart Air Force Base participating AirLines to Casino's to downtown and remote restaurants, repurposing of historic buildings, promotion of Veteran Events and Services, and regularly offering Job Fairs all over the County, he revels in discovering another way to help his constituency. Not only is he in the news daily, he does his own Podcast twice a week to make sure residents know what's happening in the County and meets regularly with his Town and Village Officials, whether in 1:1 meetings or by phone. One of the most unique attributes Neuhaus demonstrates is his absence of sending colleagues to emergency sites. Nine times out of ten, whether it be a horrific fire (such as the one in Greenwood Lake this past Fall), a potential catastrophic fail of a county dam, or the biggest parade of the year, needing a 5th winning costume judge in a small town or village like Washingtonville, he is there. He is also at schools all over Orange County, whether they are having an event or he is sharing one of his favorite passtimes - beekeeping.

Whether helping serve food to homeless or stopping by a successful area restaurant to give them recognition (and sample their fare) Neuhaus is a big fan of Orange County food and farm suppliers... might even be called a "foodie". Growing up on his parents' Eldorado Horse Farm in Chester, he understands the billion dollar value of NY agriculture.

Education: Steve is aGraduate of Monroe-Woodbury HS, BA Degree from Mount Saint Mary College majoring in history/political science and has a Masters Degree from Marist College in Public Administration.

As for Neuhaus' official career credits, they are really too many to list. But here are just a few:

Town of Chester Supervisor for 6 years - managing the balance between commercial and open space growth at the Chester Industrial Park, Knapp's View Open Space, Walton Lake, SLPAC Art & Drama Programs, and pushing toward the public choice of a County Park for the LaGuardia property shared between Chester and Blooming Grove.

Currently serving his third 4-year term as County Executive

Member of NYSAC Board of Directors (New York State Association of Counties

Commander in the US Navy Reserves, currently assigned to the US Pacific Fleet after completing assignment with the Office of the Naval Inspector General. He has earned two warfare designations: Seabees Combat Warfare (SW) Officer and Navy Expeditionary Supply Corps Officer. He served assignments to Africa, Iraq, Japan, South Korea, Spain and Italy and has a Professional Military I degree in National Security Studies

As for County Accomplishments during his tenure, to name a few:

9 years of consecutive lower taxes - currently the lowest since the 1960's

Millions of dollars spent on county infrastructure improvement

Continued fund balance growth

Less debt than 10 years ago

Top-Notch Emergency Management Team with extra focus on school safety

School Bus Arm Cameras

CEO contacts that ensure top economic development projects with good paying jobs

Leadership Series Presentations

Vastly expanded the work of the County's Tourism Program

A very active Chamber of Commerce recognizing new businesses, alongside

of an active Arts Council.

Orange County Citizens of the Month Awards

Supporter of Hudson Valley Honor Flight

Past President of the New York State County Executive's Association (NYSCEA

Former interior-rated volunteer firefighter at the Lakeside Fire Department in Monroe

Expansion of and obtaining grants for the Heritage and Schunnemunk Trails and Plans to repurpose the Camp LaGuardia site as a new County Park. His close work with the Orange County Land Trust has helped their accomplishments of protecting 6,000 acres, and monitoring more than 11,000 acres including 13 nature preserves.

Overseas for the Naval Reserves when called

To contact and watch County Exec's online resources:

Check his personal Steve Neuhaus Facebook Page, which includes his twice weekly "Neucast" and OrangeCountyNY.Gov. Steve's page has which

Podcast Reports directly from him and between the podcast sessions there are usually photos and informatrion about major events of the week.


@steveneuhausOC on X

@Steve.neuhaus on Instagram.

The new Speaker Series can also be seen on You Tube: NeuhUA



Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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