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Complaint to DA Against Chester Supervisor Details - DA Declines to Investigate Until After Election


Councilmen Bob Courtenay and Brandon Holdridge who are running for the Chester Supervisor position themselves, requested an Investigation of current Chester Supervisor’s "Unethical Behavior", saying that the alleged financial benefits Supervisor Bob Valentine likely received as a result of his Valcon Corp. work on projects in the Town is just the type of thing District Attorney Hoovler recently warned public officials about, i.e. improper financial benefits they might accrue from their official position.

Holdridge couched his comments about alleged unethical and possibly illegal procedures by saying that an investigaion could either shed light on improprieties, or clear Valentine from wrongdoing. They added that they were addressing he community because a number of residents had approached them with concern about these issues, so they felt obliged to make them public, "while we still have an official voice", since they will lose their voice as officials if they lose the election.


Supervisor Bob Valentine responding on Tuesday to the plans for the Press Conference and called it a "Political Stunt", but having just had hand surgery he has not yet been available for comment following the event and small demonstration at Town Hall. He has been offered the opportunity to respond to yesterday's allegations at any time he feels well enough to comment.

DA Hoovler responded that he will not conduct an investigation within 60 days of an election since it would not leave time to do a thorough investigation and could affect the results.

Left to right: Councilman Bob Courtenay, Supervisor Bob Valentine, Councilman Brian Holdridge



Councilmen Robert Courtenay (R-Chester) and Brandon Holdridge (D-Chester) called for an investigation to be conducted by Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler into the "unethical and possibly illega"l practices of Town of Chester Supervisor Robert Valentine. The Councilmen allege Supervisor Valentine may have used his position to unfairly and/or illegally benefit" his family's trucking and excavation company, Valcon America Corp as well as himself.

"Using one’s taxpayer-funded position to enrich their family is wrong, and Councilman Courtenay and I believe Mr. Valentine has done just that. By providing special treatment to these projects or by circumventing our town’s laws and code to allow this company to more easily conduct business before the town, the Supervisor has undermined the office and the trust of local residents," said Councilman Holdridge.

Councilman Courtenay added, "to be clear, we are not alleging that the properties and projects known as the Greens of Chester or Canterberry Farms colluded with Mr. Valentine to gain special favor, or anything to benefit themselves. We only ask that the District Attorney investigate the possibility that the Supervisor may have used his position to benefit his, and later on, his family's corporation."

Councilmen Courtenay and Holdridge added that they were compelled to seek the assistance of an unbiased third party in the District Attorney’s office. They hope that a fair investigation will uncover the truth for the people of Chester.

Brandon HoldridgeCouncilman Town of Chester Chester Democratic Committee Co-Chairman Candidate for Chester Town Supervisor 845-699-0161

Official Complaint to the OC District Attorney's Office, David Hoovler Councilman Courtenay and Councilman Holdridge

September 29, 2023

Office of Orange County District Attorney

David Hoovler

255-275 Main Street,

Goshen, NY 10924

District Attorney Hoovler,

We, Chester Town Councilmen Robert Courtenay and Brandon Holdridge write to you to request a formal investigation into Chester Town Supervisor Robert Valentine regarding possible illegal actions and conflicts of interest between his former company, Valcon America Corp. and the properties/projects known as Greens at Chester and Canterberry Farms as well as Robert Valentine as an individual in his private contractor capacity.

Our complaint alleges that Supervisor Valentine has used his position throughout his tenure as an elected official, to benefit Valcon America Corp., originally owned by himself, and now owned by his family member. We also allege that Supervisor Valentine has used his position to financially benefit himself. After years of rumors, evidence that Valcon America Corp. conducting work at these various properties, and inconsistent decisions made by Chester employees and individuals contracted by Chester, we ask that the District Attorney's office investigate Supervisor Robert Valentine for any unethical or illegal activity regarding his relationship to Valcon America Corp. or any other business enterprises related to Robert Valentine.


Councilman Robert Courtenay

Councilman Brandon Holdridge



Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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