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Chabad of Orange County Hosts Regional Chabad Convention


Chabad Orange's new Gellman-Kaplan Center for Jewish Life takes it place in the education and social life of area members. The facility is 10,000 square feet, cost between $3M and $4M to build. Its inclusive activities in the greater Orange County Community keeps members like their CTeen club busy. But this day was a celebration of it as a regional center.

Chabad Shluchim (emissaries) from across New York and New England convened at the new building of Chabad of Orange County, located in Monroe, under the leadership of Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston. For a full day, these tireless Jewish leaders had the opportunity to be inspired, share in camaraderie, and be energized anew. Chabad Shluchim gather each year for the international conference at Chabad World Headquarters in Brooklyn. In addition, per the personal request of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson of blessed memory, Chabad Shluchim gather for regional conferences (usually during the summer), held at local Chabad Centers in that region. This year, Chabad Headquarters reached out to its representatives in Orange County, Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston to host the conference in Chabad of Orange County. They bring a welcome reprieve and refreshing spirit to the shluchim. "Now that we have the space," said Rabbi Pesach Burston, "we were honored to host this year's regional conference." "We are in touch and often brainstorm in tandem with many of our neighboring Chabad representatives," Burston added, "and this was a nice way to see them in person as well."

Speakers at the conference included Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky and Rabbi Efraim Mintz of Chabad World Headquarters as well as Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, Regional Director of Chabad in Eastern New York State. The guest address at the banquet was delivered by Columbia Professor Ari Goldman, a veteran reporter for the New York Times. Goldman lives in New York City and in Monroe. Goldman spoke about his interactions with the Rebbe, and the impact of Chabad that he has personally seen around the world as well as locally at Chabad of Orange County.

Sid Hershkowitz of Highland Mills and Lee Sentell of Monroe also spoke about the impact Chabad in Orange County has on their families. "Monroe is known as the home of Velveeta cheese. And Chabad in Orange County is also based in Monroe," Lee said. "And to my family, they both have something in common: Ooey gooey goodness!"

-------Photo Descriptions-------

Conf. 1 – Group photo of the Regional Chabad Shluchim (emissaries) from New York and New England in front of Chabad of Orange County in Monroe. Photo credit: Itzik Roytman.

Conf. 2 – Rabbi Pesach Burston, left, pictured with Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, center, and Rabbi Efraim Mintz of Chabad World Headquarters

Conf. 3 – Lee Sentell of Monroe speaks about his family’s impact by Chabad at the Chabad Conference Banquet. Photo credit: Itzik Roytman.

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Orange County Courier Journal

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OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

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