Walden - Most Precious Blood School in Walden, where Brian Maher went to school as a youngster, held a packed audience today while area dignitaries sang Maher's praises as a former Mayor, Supervisor, Executive Director of the Purple Heart Hall of Honor (and developing the program for veterans' Honor Flights to Washington D.C.), and now watched him take the Oath of Office as the newly drawn District 101's new Assemblyman.
Orange County Clerk, Kelly Eskew administered the Oath of Office to Maher as he stood with his family. Maher spoke of the confidence given him by his family and Most Precious Blood School, convincing him that he could attain anything he put his mind to. He spoke of politics today as those who want no government and those who want government control of everything, and "We know the truth is in the middle", adding he was thrilled with the 3 committees he has already been assigned to. "You've heard the label 'Compassionate Conservatism', Well, be ready, because the Positive Train is coming". Lastly, he added that a top priority for him is that, "This endless outmigration from New York has got to end."
Speakers included Orange County Executive Steve Newuhaus, DA Dave Hoovler, Poughkeepsie Mayor and Assemblyman Elect Rob Rollison, Orange County Sheriff Paul Arteta, Assemblyman Karl Brabanec, and Pat Larkin (widow of Senator Bill Larkin to whom Maher was at one time aide). Mrs. Larkin received a long standing ovation, as did Brian Maher.
Dan DePew, currently Sullivan Deputy County Manager and formerly Wallkill Supervisor and an Orange County Legislator, did the honors as Master of Ceremonies, introducing the speakers for the hour long ceremony which was spiked with humor by several officials and Brian's brother-in-law, after he was encouraged to bring some levity to the event.
County Exec Steve Neuhaus, who came with his two youngest, spoke of the cost to family life of being an active and committed official, and of his pride in this new Team Orange, which he and the other speakers said they believe can finally make a difference in Albany, particularly with regard to problems of a lack of leadership and citizens being in an unsafe environment. He referred to President Teddy Rooseveltt and how he showed that "One man CAN make a difference" and said he is confident that this new team will make a difference in the State of New York.
Editor's Note: If anyone wants a copy, I have audio for the entire ceremony. I also have about 4 interesting video clips from the ceremony, which may or may not copy for editing and for me to post tomorrow because of their size.
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