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Blooming Grove Senior Center Moves Forward


An expansive (6,000 sq. ft.) Senior Center at Lasser Park was sidetracked for 2 years due to the pandemic followed by supply chain problems. Now plans have begun to move forward quickly. RFPs were sent out for award on its Structural Foundations. Bids were received and reviewed earlier in August, and on Tuesday August 16 the bid was awarded to Barone Construction Group in an amount not to exceed $1,070,000.00.

Stay tuned for a future press conference when shovels hit the ground, with a comprehensive review of the construction timeline, expected full cost which will be offset by at least $340,000 reimbursement for the project via a Community Block Development Grant. Additional savings in future years of $4,000/month will also benefit town finances when the building is done and the Town no longer will need to lease space at Fulton Square. Additional CBDG monies may also be obtained for completion and/or expansion of the project. There had been a suggestion that the site might also be used (and receive grant monies) in the future as an emergency rescue location. The next update will include specific interior details and plans for the programs to be held there when completed. Because the building will be made of modular units it is expected that once the foundation is set the project will proceed toward completion relatively quickly.

Caption: A broad grassy space near the entrance to the Town's Lasser Park looks empty now, but will soon be filled with the Town of Blooming Grove's new 6,000 sq. ft. Senior Center.

In Other Business:

A Public Hearing was held for Increase and Improvement of facilities of the Tappan Homes Water District. The resolution appropriated $2,000,000.00 for the work.. A second resolution authorized MHE Consulting Engineers to prepare a map and estimate of cost, and a third resolution authorized Town Supervisor Jeroloman to go out to bid for the purchase of Model # LWF-MG-30-20 Triple Manganese Greensand filters for the system.

This was the first Public Hearing since the pandemic that was really well attended, with almost 2 dozen residents from the Tappan Water District asking lots of on-point questions about the process and need for it. The process is that grant money may be available to cover up to $2M of expense, but the Town will not know for sure if the grant money will be coming until the application is sent in and reviewed.


Orange County Courier Journal

Published by
OC Design and Print
19 Goshen Ave,
Washingtonville, NY 10992

Jamie Ferrazzano


Edie Johnson

Executive Editor

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