Courier Journal statement about the ongoing war - All civil societies have a right to protect themselves against outside aggression. But they also have a responsibility to seek peace with any and every means. These decisions are never easy. We pray that the citizens of Israel and the Palestine people find peace, and soon. Because hatred is never acceptable. And we pray that the remaining hostages are safe and will be released soon. No conflict is ever ended unless both sides 'give a little'. Some day, when ALL people celebrate, work and pray as much for peace as success in war may we all be free from wars, and all people free from cruelty, slavery and domination.
Rabbi Pesach Burston and Chana Gilman Burston, Directors of Chabad Orange
All are welome at Chabad Orange
The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover began at sundown on Monday.
According to Rabbi Yitzhak Hecht of Chabad of Ulster County, “This is the night that we celebrate that when the Jews were still slaves in Egypt under the ancient pharaoh, they were told through Moses by God to have a seder. They had the first seder; that was the night that was the last time they were to be in slavery and the next morning they all marched out into freedom,” he said.
The seder is the holiday dinner that includes prayers. It is held on the first two and last two evenings of Passover.
Portion from Mid-Hudson News