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Another Busload of Asylum Seekers Coming to Orange County

Orange Lake motel where migrants were to be housed

GOSHEN -More single male migrants were brought to the Town of Newburgh in the last day or two, Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus said on Monday.

More than 130 have been bused to the Town of Newburgh, being placed at the Crossroads Hotel. He said the Ramada Inn is on standby to accept additional migrants.

Neuhaus said the issue is reaching far beyond Orange and Rockland counties. “All the county executives in New York State are in panic mode. They are either declaring states of emergency or preparing somewhere to stay. The Western Tier New York is now being targeted as the next wave to get some of these migrants and the problem is that we have, the hotels in Orange County are booked until January,” said.

Neuhaus also noted hotel rooms across the Hudson Valley are booked for West Point graduation in two weeks, as well as for weddings and tourists.

Source: Mid-Hudson News

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