Blooming Grove's new Chief of Police, Kevin Wakeham

Chief (Ret.) Alex Melchiore, Chief Kevin Wakeham, Chief (Ret) Carl Schupp
Blooming Grove - The Police Department in Blooming Grove is generally very well liked and respected, especially since it's a town with an extra portion of first responders. But this was different. On Tuesday night the town hall was absolutely packed, and practically in a party mood. One of the area's favorite top cops, respected for both his professionalism and geniality, is now Chief Kevin Wakeham.
The room was filled with dignitaries including Blooming Grove's retired Chief Carl Schupp, newly retired Chief Alex Melchiore, retired New Windsor Chief (and now Orange County Police Liaison) Robert Doss, and Village of Washingtonville Chief Brian Zaccaro, Former Village of South Blooming Grove Mayor Jim LoFranco, (another retired NYPD Detective), attended as well as current Mayor George Kalaj. And then there were dozens of officers, sergeants and detectives. There was a round of clapping, hoorah!s and brotherly embraces. Chief Wakeham, his wife, and two daughters (one which had just come from being inducted into the National Honor Society) all beamed with pride.

The Wakeham Family
Chief Wakeham gave a brief speech, describing how his predecessors (Chiefs Schupp and Melchiore) laid all of the groundwork over the years, thus setting it up for him to carry their work forward. After thanking the Board for their tremendous support over the years, he exclaimed that all of that help and the good work of his fellow officers has resulted in "This police department becoming the best in Orange County." In addition to keeping the residents of Blooming Grove safe, especially with a growing Events Calendar, he hopes to grow new avenues of specialty training,
Chief Wakeham, came from serving the NYPD in 2004 and after just a year of service there was hired by Blooming Grove in 2005, as an officer and then Sergeant.
Town Clerk, Darlena Decker, administered the oath, followed by a ceremonial firm handshake and embrace by Town Supervisor Rob Jeroloman, himself also a member of the area's brotherhood of retired NYPD detectives.

Darlena Decker Administers the Oath

Official welcome as the new Blooming Grove Chief of Police
by Supervisor Rob Jeroloman

Blooming Grove Police Department

A packed Town Hall was full of friends, family, and residents while a large group of fellow officers spread out through the lobby and corridors while waiting for their turn at Congratulations!
